The price to pay in realizing your ambitions in life

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Everyone has dreams and ambitions in life.

There’s one that’s bigger than the other, one who already has what they have been dreaming of, and many are still climbing up that ladder of success.

But dreams and ambitions are not things you can acquire with just a blink of an eye.

Reaching your ambitions will cost you—big time and here’s why:

Longer nights, shorter days — you have to meet all the deadlines, make all the necessary arrangements so that you will be able to do all the things that are needed from you.

Limited time for people — ambitions will make you realize that spending time alone will make things a whole lot easier. This will make you think that being lonely is not really the mere feeling of being lonely but rather doing things and getting things done swiftly.

They may not understand you — for most times, you are not anymore in the mood to express and share your thoughts to others, this is when they start to misunderstand your efforts of becoming better, they will eventually feel left out from your life.

Eyes lurking around— people you meet may wish for your betterment but they never wish for you to be better than them. Keep watch of the people around you, be careful who you tell your ambitions to, they might turn the tables around and see it as you bragging about your hustle.

Criticisms— not everyone will agree with how you hustle for your ambitions, use it as something that can push you to keep moving forward and never the reason to make you slow down.

Most of the time we feel lost in realizing our ambitions and dreams, for some, they tend to give up on their ambitions for practical reasons, but don’t let that be YOUR case.

Keep being a hustling fighter, you got this, all you need is a fresh start, a strong mindset and time to relax before moving up to the next level that will get you closer to your ambitions. /dbs