Daily inspirations that keep us going

Inspiration or inspirations that can get you through the day.

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Overcoming a tough or a good day is such an overrated thing for most of us.

Before we can end a good day or a bad day, we think of things that motivate us to actually get that day started.

There a lot of things that can motivate us, like our will to become better or simple things that inspire us to get up and actually be better.

Today, the world is facing a crisis no one saw coming— this is the perfect time to spark inspiration.

But everyone is different and everyone has their own set of inspiration that can help them get through the day.

Family— we get up every day, go to work, finish our studies or just do simple chores at home. This is because we get inspiration from the strongest backbone we have, our families. They are the ones who would love to see us succeed and grow, no matter the situation.

Friends— next to our family, we have another set of cheerleaders cheering us on. These people inspire us to be better because we know that they believe in us and that they know we can actually be a lot better.

Community— it may sound a bit general, but this is true. We get back up on our feet and go to work and study because we all know that we are not just doing this for our sake, but also for the greater public.

Good music— this may seem a bit shallow to some, but for others, once they hear some good music, it quickly perks their day and give them a kick or a spark of inspiration that would not only last them a day but for weeks on end.

Dreams and aspirations— behind all this hard work and encouragement from the people who matter, everything boils down to achieving that dream. That dream to be somebody someday and be a good role model and help the people. This is also the best end in mind to be able to give back to the people who have been there since day one.

Inspiration is not just enclosed with the list above, the list can go on and on believe me. And it even can be something big or it can be something small, but whatever your inspiration may be, keep it and use it to fuel you to get you to where you want to be. /dbs