The struggles of being in a long distance relationship

CEBU CITY, Philippines— When you hear the words long-distance relationship or read the letters LDR, what’s the first thing that comes into your mind?


This is the word that would easily describe this kind of relationship.

Hard as it may seem, some couples need to endure this kind of relationship because of their careers, which is also important for their future.

Let’s get to know some of the most challenging things LDR couples have to go through:

Time difference

Having to wake up in the wee hours just to talk to for a couple of minutes is not an easy thing. And once you miss that chance of talking to your partner it feels like you have not done your side of the bargain, you feel empty the entire day.

Trust issues

Talk about having to update each other of the things you’ve done the entire day. And if you miss one thing and your partner sees it online or hears from it from another person, you are screwed. This can lead to a major fight and you don’t want that kind of thing right? So, be transparent to your partner to make a thousand miles between you two feel just like a few blocks away.


You may plan on doing a virtual date or just talk to each other on your days off, but there are some things we can not control. You have to see the bright side of every downside to a plan that was messed up.

No shoulder to cry on

This might be one of the most challenging things an LDR couple might have to go through: having no one to lend you a shoulder when you are stuck in a hard situation. Sometimes you just long for the presence of the person you value most and that would suffice all the struggles you had in days, weeks or even for months.


You get insecure with the things your partner might be doing and it sometimes gives you that feeling of being the one left behind. Overcoming these problems comes with maturity and time.

Despite all these,  many couples have succeeded with this kind of set-up.

It’s because at the end of the day, they know that every struggle leads to better days as a couple. Once they get over these problems, they’d realize that distance is just a little thing compared to the love they have for each other. /bmjo