Pet care basics to show your love for your pets

A brown dog and cat wake up hugging from a nap

Our pets need all the love and care we can provide.

Dogs, cats, and other animals rely on their owners for their needs.

Aside from being our best friends, they are part of our daily life and provide us with emotional support. So it’s only right that we treat them with love and care.

In most cases, taking care of our pets can take too much of our time. But if we already know what needs to be done to keep them healthy and loved, taking care of our pets is already a piece of cake!

Here’s a quick guide for new and old pet owners on how to care for your pets at home.

Veterinary visits

Because your pets have a shorter-than-human lifespan, they should be getting a checkup at least once or twice a year.

Let your veterinarian schedule necessary vaccinations to maintain good pet health as they age.

You can also check your pet’s doctor for boosters including spaying and neutering.

The importance of having a veterinarian for your buddies is when your pet gets ill, you already have a trusted veterinarian to contact for any emergency and treatment.

Make sure to have the number of your pet’s clinic saved on your phone and familiarize services for your pet.

Healthy food

Being a responsible pet owner means you should provide them essentials nutrients at all times.

The right food and fresh water will keep your pet’s healthy and energized.

When choosing meal options for your pets, look for a good balance of protein, carbs, fats, and even fiber.

These are important ingredients for their digestive system.

Let your pet’s veterinarian give you appropriate foods to feed them too.

Remember not to overfeed your pets.

Play time and exercise

According to most veterinarians, when pets who have too much energy are bored, it can cause unwanted behaviors.

Interactive games like fetch will keep your pets entertained

while going for runs and walks serves as an exercise for you and your pet.

Your cats might love playing in cardboard boxes or chasing laser lights,  just make sure not to shine the lights directly on their eyes.

Playing with your pets indoor can also keep them entertained just make sure to avoid injury-prone areas.

Also, have regular breaks and give fresh water at all times.

Alternate different toys so that they won’t get bored quickly.


Your cats often know how to groom themselves but regular bathing of both your cats and dogs will make sure their coat or fur are clean.

Make sure their hair is knot-free before bathing to prevent matting of their coat.

Brush their hair once a day to keep them healthy too.

Also, make sure to trim their nails or claws when needed.

You can also check with your veterinarian on how to brush their teeth or keep their breath fresh.

Grooming your pets is a great way to bond with them, give them a treat as a reward after.

Keep a schedule

Try to develop a routine for both you and your pet.

Try if you can make sure that they have a schedule for sleeping and getting up.

By accomplishing their sleeping routine, you now have a regular feeding and playing time.

This will help you balance your personal life while keeping your best friend feeling loved.

Also, manage to train your pets to have some quiet time especially when you are working or going out.

Tell us how much you love your pets in the comments section of this video.