A safe and all-natural guide to hair fall prevention

Most women consider their hair as their crowning glory. Men, on the other hand, think their hairstyle can make them look better.

So when hair loss occurs, it is a big problem.

Hair loss is a common problem that many encounter. It sucks since it gets in the way of achieving our ideal look.

After we shower or after we comb our hair, we oftentimes wonder why we have so much falling hair.

According to studies, we lose about a hundred hair stands each day. And that’s normal.

However, when it goes extreme, you should start considering these natural ways to reduce hair loss or thinning hair.

Coconut milk and oil

Since coconut milk is rich in proteins, essential fats, and other minerals like potassium, it is a very good option for hair fall control and re-growth.

All you have to do is grate some coconut and squeeze its milk by using a cloth.

Apply the milk to your scalp using your hands or a hair dye brush. Cover your scalp and hair using a towel and leave for at least 20 minutes.

Wash your hair using cold water and mild shampoo.

Coconut oil is also a good option for your hair fall problems since it contains antimicrobial and antioxidants properties.

It also helps fight scalp infections and strengthen your hair.

Just massage your scalp in circular motions using warm coconut oil.

Onion Juice

Onion is used in many traditional medicine practices.

Its juice is an excellent conditioner that helps control hair fall when used regularly.

Onion is very rich in sulfur content, which promotes blood circulation to the hair follicles.

The onion will also boost hair growth and prevent hair loss.

An additional benefit is that sulfur is known to fight scalp infections.

Make your own by extracting onion juice. Use a cotton ball to apply all over your scalp. Leave for about 20-30 minutes and rinse off with mild shampoo.

Do this for at least once a week just make sure to wash your towels immediately to avoid the unwanted smell.

Egg mask

Some people find this strange but an egg hair mask is an organic remedy you can use to treat hair loss.

Eggs promote hair regrowth because of their good levels of protein.

The water-soluble peptides found in egg yolks have hair growth stimulating properties.

To make one, use one egg and mix with one tablespoon of olive oil or alternative in a bowl.

Wash your hair first with a mild shampoo and leave your egg mask with damp hair for at least 10 minutes or more.

You can also wear a shower cap.

Let your hair absorb the nutrients and rinse with shampoo and follow with your conditioner.

Hair loss diet

Your daily diet is an important factor for hair loss.

As much as possible, consider these foods to help control your hair loss.

Food rich in beta carotene can protect against dry and dull hair. It also stimulates the glands in your scalp to make the oily fluid, sebum.

Some of these foods are carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes or orange and yellow-colored fruits and vegetables.

These foods also have other benefits such as Vitamin A that are good for the eyes.

Low levels of Vitamin A can lead to dry and itchy scalp.

More tips to save your hair

Washing your hair with hot water will wash away the natural essential oils of your scalp and hair.

Warm showers are generally fine but you can also wash your hair with cold water after.

Use eco-friendly hair products that are mild for your hair and avoid harmful products such as sulfates.

Wait for your hair to dry before brushing or combing them.

Avoid hairstyles or hairdo that can damage your hair such as very tight ponytails.

Style your hair when it is completely dry.

Stress is also one of the factors why you have many hairs falling out.

Find ways to relieve stress and include a healthy diet to manage your hair fall problems.

If you want to suggest more natural ways to reduce hair fall, share them to us in the comments section of this video. /bmjo