Labella eyes lifting lockdown in 4 areas in Cebu City


Cebu City Mayor Edgardo Labella | PIO Photo

CEBU CITY, Philippines — The lifting of the lockdown in at least four “coronavirus-infected” areas in this city is on the way, Cebu City Mayor Edgardo Labella announced on Tuesday, June 2, 2020.

Labella, in a press conference aired by the city’s Public Information Office, said the lifting of the lockdown in  Sitio Zapatera and parts of Barangays Bacayan, Mambaling, and Tejero, is already in process.

The mayor said the lifting of the lockdown may come within the week as he is just waiting for one more recommendation before finalizing the move.

However, Labella said a “segmental” lockdown may still be imposed in households that still have active cases or in high-risk areas.

Labella made the announcement alongside the report of 165 new COVID-19 recoveries in the city, bringing the total number of recoveries to 1,160. This number constitutes at least 48 percent of the total number of COVID-19 cases in the city.

The breakdown of the recoveries are as follows:

This development, Labella said, brings the total active cases in the city to only 1,222.

Labella, however, said the development should not prompt the public to be complacent on their precautionary measures against the viral infection.

“While we are making small victories, let us remain cautious and vigilant yet relentless in our fight against COVID-19,” Labella wrote in a Facebook update. /bmjo