Sleep apnea hits women, too

While men appear to be “the snorer” and more susceptible to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), it is now evident from a new study that a large number of women are also victims of this sleep disorder.

What is sleep apnea?
Usually associated with snoring, sleep apnea means the involuntary cessation of breathing during sleep, which deprives the individual valuable oxygen during the episodes. This breath-holding initially lasts for 10 seconds and progresses to 20 to 30 seconds, and each episode is immediately followed by gasping for air. This cycle could repeat itself several times (20 to 100 times per hour) the whole night long. The person tosses and turns, not getting a restful sleep, night after night. The snorer is totally oblivious of all this and only the roommate is aware of this bothersome snoring and scary sleep apnea.

How common is sleep apnea?
The incidence is about two percent among middle-aged women and 4 percent among men of that age group, which is similar to the incidence of diabetes and asthma. Those having menopause are 3 ½ times move likely to have OSA. One in four of those over 65 has OSA. It is estimated that about 84 percent of women with high blood pressure may also have sleep apnea, which is a primary risk factor for hypertension. Among obese people, more than 84 percent have sleep apnea. Breath-holding during sleep affects about 12 million American adults, but many more are not reported or have not had diagnostic tests. Some studies say the incidence is rising because of the epidemic of obesity.

How does obesity contribute to sleep apnea?
In some people, especially after middle age and who are obese, the muscles of the upper airways in the back of the throat, like the soft palate (the back end of the roof of the mouth), the uvula (tiny appendage that hangs down), tonsils, adenoids, become flabby and vibrate with the airflow, causing the various classical noises of snoring. These structures could also cave in and out (like a floppy valve) with respiration, blocking the upper airway and causing sleep apnea and oxygen deprivation. Besides the anatomical component, there could also be central (neuro-hormonal) factor, especially among obese persons. Weight reduction could help some individuals.

How is the diagnosis made?
To confirm the diagnosis is sleep apnea, a Sleep Test is performed, where the patient sleeps in a Sleep Laboratory, attached to brain, heart and blood oxygen monitors, with a video cam showing his/her sleep activity, body movements, etc. All these data are then analyzed the following day. If the patient stops breathing for 10 seconds or more at least five times every hour while asleep, the diagnosis is confirmed.

What are the complications of sleep apnea?
The person wakes up with a dry mouth and throat, perhaps with a headache, and a lousy feeling akin to a hangover. There may also be fatigue and sleepiness throughout the day, together with some memory deficiency, poor attention and concentration, and bad mood—all signs of lack of sleep, due to sleep apnea. The psychological stress of all this impacts negatively on the individual. The recurrent transient hypoxemia (low blood oxygen level) and daily impairment of sleep are added risk factors for the development of hypertension and coronary heart disease. Some may die suddenly due to cardiac arrhythmia (heart irregularity) from lack of oxygen, as the new study shows. I have lost two colleagues from OSA.

What is the incidence of sudden cardiac death?
In general sudden death kills 450,000 people annually in the United States. There are a variety of causes which lead to cessation of breathing, triggering serious abnormality in the heart’s electrical system, ending as fatal irregularity of the heartbeats, if resuscitation is not performed immediately. How many of these are due to OSA is unclear. Persons who die in their sleep could possibly be due to OSA, if no direct cause was found.

Are “snore stoppers” effective?
“Snore aids” advertised in the various media, such as nostril clips, nasal or throat sprays, magnetic wrist bands do not work to stop snoring, much less cure sleep disorders. CPAP is the proven effective treatment that will rapidly restore a normal and restful sleep for those with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

What is the non-specific therapy?
Weight loss for those who are overweight can minimize the episodes of sleep apnea. Avoidance of sleeping pills, sedatives and alcohol, all of which increase the frequency and duration of sleep apnea, is most essential. Lying flat on the back induces sleep apnea for a lot of people. This could be avoided by placing a pillow at the back and lying on the side. While these are helpful secondary measures, CPAP is still the primary and preferred mode of therapy for OSA.

What are the various treatment regimens?
Sleep apnea must be treated because the risk of sudden death is real and scary. The three modalities are: (1) Physical or Mechanical; (2) Surgery; and (3) Non-specific therapy. The specific prescription depends on the medical examination and laboratory findings. The physical or mechanical treatment works only when used as the patient sleeps and apnea returns when the regimen is not utilized. There are two forms: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and Dental/Oral Appliances. CPAP, which is most effective and commonly prescribed, uses a snugly fitted facemask or “nasal pillow” where continuous positive pressure air is blown into the nose, forcing the airway to stay open for proper breathing. Dental/oral appliance, which is fitted by an orthodontist, uses a device that moves the lower jaw forward to cause an under bite, which opens the airway.

What is the surgical treatment?
If there is an anatomical problem that causes or aggravates OSA, then surgery is done to remove tissues, like nasal polyps, adenoids, tonsils and any oro-pharyngeal deformities that causes obstruction to airflow. One of them is called uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, which excises tissues at the back of the throat. The success rate is low, between 30-60 percent and it is hard to know which patients will benefit from it, its side effects and eventual outcome. The others are tracheostomy (creating a hole in the windpipe for those with severe obstruction, which is not too common and rarely needed), surgical reconstruction for those with deformities, and surgery to treat diet-and-exercise-resistant obesity, which contributes to sleep apnea.
Indeed, sleep apnea is a serious warning and nothing to snore about.


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