Taped baby probe resumes

Cebu Daily News’ editorial cartoon of the ‘taped’ baby controversy originally published on May 28.

THE inter-agency panel investigating the Cebu Puericulture Center and Maternity House will start deliberating the resolution of their investigation today.

They are expected to come up with findings whether taping pacifiers in the mouths of baby using surgical adhesives constitutes violation of laws and standard hospital procedures.
The investigation stemmed from the exposé in social media of baby Yohannes Noval photos with his mouth sealed with a surgical plaster. At least three other families came out after, saying their babies have also undergone the same travail.

Lawyer Dante Jadman of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR-7) who serves as the spokesman of the inter-agency panel said, “Each agencies will evaluate and do their assessment. We will then collate it to come up with one report.”

Recommendations can probably be the cases to be filed but still depends on the lapses that will be identified later.

The inter-agency panel is composed of the CHR-7, Department of Health (DOH-7), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD-7), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), National Telecommunications (NTC), Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC), Department of Justice (DOJ), and Women and Children Protection of Cebu City Police Office (CCPO).


4th ‘taped baby’ surfaces, cousin of Noval

Cebu Maternity Hospital: We regret ‘taping’ of baby