The life of modern-day dads

Fatherhood looks a lot different today than in past generations.

40 years ago, it was the norm when fathers worked and provide for the family, while mothers stayed at home with the kids and did all the chores.

Before, fathers had to stand outside the hospital’s birthing room to wait for his newborn. Now, dads-to-be could be in the delivery room, holding his wife’s hand while experiencing the miracle of life.

Modern society gives fathers more freedom to do that what they want without getting criticized or get tagged for being a dad.

The signs are evident how a modern-day dad takes care of his family and his children.

You can consider yourself a modern-day dad if you have done a thing or two of these: 

Always makes time for play

May it be an indoor or outdoor activity, modern dads know how to make time for fun activities with their children. Sports may be common for a father and son relationship, however, fathers now play tea time with their daughters like Kate and Pippa Middleton in a posh English restaurant.

You are better at changing diapers than tying on a tie

Diapers today are a snap for modern dads, like literally. Gone are the days when one had to deal with complicated pins and folding techniques. says that a dude who can’t change their baby’s diaper should stick to clip-on ties.

Takes SELFIES with their kids

What is a day like without a cute selfie with your kids? Especially when they are still young; thanks to the modern tech there are endless photos to choose from for your family photo album. Plus, the cute and weird selfies make great photos for your Instagram or Facebook “My Days”.


Whether it is driving your kids around to make them sleep or drive them to school daily. Dads have become “cool” driving them around their wheels. Plus, this also makes good father and son bonding time and tell stories or talk about random stuff.

Modern dad cooks

May it be whipping up a bunch of cookies or prepping a four-course meal, modern dads spend time in the kitchen with their family, and have fun together. Collaborating on a dish and shopping at the grocery store with the family can also reinforce skills of teamwork and financial responsibility as well.

This Father’s Day (June 21, 2020) turn the tables around and swoon him over his favorite dishes for lunch or dinner because you can never go wrong with food.

But if you are tight on your kitchen skills, ask your siblings to lend a hand. And to complete your meal, order, top it all off with Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino’s Salted Caramel Chocolate Cake by Chef Arjay and end your meal on a high note.

For only P980, this moist and sinful decadent is the way to express how much you love your dad this father’s day. To order, call (032) 232-6888 to order one (1) day in advance. We’re available for pick-up from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. /bmjo