How to befriend your officemates



CEBU CITY, Philippines— The office set up may be a little scary for some, especially if you are not exactly a social butterfly.

That’s why befriending officemates could be really a good idea.

But how can you make this happen?

Simple. All you have to do is be you. And maybe these tips can do the trick too.

Random acts of kindness

Smile! This is the best start to get the attention of your officemates. After getting closer to them surprise them with simple acts of kindness like sharing your snack or talk about their day.

Have lunch together

Get away from your desk and have lunch with them by the pantry. This is the best time to blow off some steam. This is where you usually get to know them more, because of their food or how they like their food which then turns to a simple conversation.

Go out

Yes!! Go grab some drinks with them. Go to coffee shops, or just hang out at the nearest convenience store. Just go out and spend time with each other outside the office. This let’s you get to know them more and vice versa.

Rant and listen to their rants

Rant about everything! And then listen to them as they answer your rants with even more rants! Just be there to listen if they need you and gossip a little about your favorite office frenemies. This may tighten the bond between a group.

Don’t force things

But if they are into something that you are not into, DON’T FORCE IT. Look for something you guys can do together without compensating your sanity. Look for a balance.

Remember, you don’t have to be friends with everyone in the office. Just pick the right ones. /bmjo