Women power in June

Zonta Club of Cebu 1, an organization of professional women that this Bystander is involved in, held its 21st induction of officers and directors for 2014 to 2016 last Friday , June 12th, with the theme, “Scaling Toward 50th Anniversary in 2018.”

After dinner and the welcome address by area director Anita Sanchez, Cebu Vice Gov. Agnes Magpale inducted president Nanette Nellie Chiu, 1st vice president Melanie Ng, 2nd vice president Beverly Dayanan, secretary Erlinda Binghay, asst. secretary Pilar Puno, treasurer Rufina Tanchan, asst. treasurer Leticia Canoy, auditor Zenaida Uy, press relations officer and past president Cristina Ebrada, director and past president Stella Bernabe, and ex-officio immediate past president Lucille Colina.

After the turnover to president Chiu, Colina delivered her valedictory address. She acknowledged with thanks her fellow Zontians’ for projects accomplished during her term, and media reports on these.

These projects included help for the poor, protection of women and youth against violence, fund-raising for victims of violence, concern and care for inmates of the city jail, the education of 30 high school students admitted to the Cebu Normal University, and 22 domestic helpers who graduated from training in livelihood service, in cooperation with Zontian Felisa Chiongbian’s charity organization.

Presently, Zonta Club of Cebu 1 has a contract with the Vicente Gullas Memorial Hospital for crisis intervention, and full accreditation from the city and provincial governments for which she expressed thanks to Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama and Vice Governor Magpale. For these, Zonta 1 has received an international convention outstanding recognition.

In president Chiu’s acceptance speech, she acknowledged with thanks what Zonta 1 has fought for with all its past presidents, those who helped the rest of all Zonta 1 members, and her own family, who were all involved in Zonta advocacies and projects on women’s issues, especially the underprivileged.

In looking forward to the 50th anniversary of Zonta 1, she pledged, together with the board of directors, to continue working for the advocacies of Zonta; building plans for our own Zonta center building; increased membership; motivation for more active participation in new projects and programs involving barangay entrepreneurship, public education and scholarships.
She specially thanked program host Zontian Mila Espina, who has been planning and managing many of the club’s services, advocacies, and projects.

In closing, president Colina pledged to serve Zonta 1 in the following biennium years with the theme, “We are all part of one another.”

After charging the council of past presidents and advisers, president Colina inducted and welcomed two new members of Zonta 1: lawyers Irene Caballes Atillo and Evangeline Auman.
The vice governor, in her message, recalled that as the lone woman in the Cebu provincial government in the recent past, she was behind the move to create the committee on women and the Provincial Women’s Commission.

She talked about what she her work to set up committees on information and education of women’s and children’s rights, gender sensitivity, and support for Zonta projects; trainings and seminars for women; and granting financial support.

She continues supporting advocacies in rescue operations, aftercare and psycho-social interception for violated children, including abused women in the Pink Center. These she has undertaken in partnership with the Legal Alternatives for Women or Law Center Inc, the Cebu Women’s Network (CWN) and other non-government offices, including gender and development offices. She expressed appreciation for the continuing partnership with our Zonta Club of Cebu 1. Thank you, Vice Governor Magpale!

Tokens were presented to Colina and Chiu, and individual awards and citations were given to all inspired and hard-working Zontians in their areas of achievement.

Another women’s monthly activity I have been handling for several years is the “Women’s Kapihan” from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. every second Saturday on radio station dyLA, organized by Law Center and the CWN. Last June 14th, our subject was “Raising Up Children” as a “home-based full-time job and definitely a tough task”. This is true today for both mothers and fathers.

Topics included communicating with children, raising them in a healthy manner, loving them and expressing and showing it, disciplining them and helping them develop character, among others. Board member Madrileña “Mads” dela Cerna said children’s talents should be recognized and used in activities they like. It’s important to show appreciation for these and encouraging them to seriously accomplish these in a disciplined manner, but retaining a sense of humor. Board Member Elsa Basañez cautioned against the use of physical discipline. Parents should show self discipline themselves. Auditor Fe Cabatingan proposed teaching children, not only their daughters but also their sons, to do household work and cooking. She mentioned that many modern-day chefs and cooks are men.

The Kapihan session was most lively and animated.

Today is a busy Bystander-ing day. At noon today we hold the 12th executive committee meeting of the Cebu Council of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines. Tonight I shall personally greet “Happy Birthday!” to dear friend Martina “Beling” Go Ching Hai, on her 86th birthday celebration at the Cebu Country Club Ballroom.

These events and more I will share with you in next week’s Bystander-ing.

For now, do remember in your prayers the soul of Froilan “Ben” Cabatingan, who passed away at the age of 76 last May 29th. Ben was the late husband of Law and CNA Auditor Fe Cabatingan who was at our Women’s Kapihan Saturday last week.

I condoled with her and offered prayers for Ben’s peaceful repose. I remember attending their 50th wedding anniversary Mass and celebration just last Jan. 26th this year.

Until next week, then, as always, may God continue to bless us, one and all!