Sunlife introduces Brighter Life Campaign

Mylene Lopa, Chief Marketing Officer of Sunlife (CDN Photo/Lito Tecson)

Did you know that only 32% of Filipinos have a saving habit? This is according to Social Weather Station’s Study of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Relationships (SOLAR).

The results of the study showed that 39% of Filipinos try to save regularly, but only 32% of Filipinos actually have a strong saving habit; 10% see no need to save since their income “is not enough anyway”; and 5% would save up only for the things that they want to buy.

Seeing the need to educate the Filipinos in financial planning, Sun Life of Canada (Philippines) Inc., the country’s longest-standing life insurance company, launches its Brighter Life campaign and decalres June as Financial Independence Month.

The Brighter Life campaign encourages Filipinos to get “F.I.T” by taking an online Financial Intelligence Test, attending a comprehensive Financial Independence Training and to stay “f.i.t”by being connected to Brighter Life 24/7 via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Sunlife is very optimistic with this campaign will help Filipinos manage their finances better.

“This is where we come in. We can provide them with the knowledge and the tools that they need about saving, investing and insuring themselves and their loved ones,” Mylene Lopa, Chief Marketing Officer of Sun Life said. “Its time to change money habits so we can all break free from the bondages of financial shortage, debt, worry and the cycle of financial dependency.” Lopa added.

Watch out for more as Sun Life’s Brighter Life campaign rolls out in the coming months. For more information, visit, or check out Facebook (Brigher Life Philippines), and Twitter (@brighterlifeph).