Ryan calls settlement ‘ploy of the hospital’

If he was surprised by his girlfriend’s move, Ryan Noval didn’t show it.

Noval, father of the taped baby, downplayed the amicable settlement signed by his partner Jasmine Badocdoc as just a “ploy of the hospital”.

He posted his reaction yesterday morning in his Facebook account after Cebu Daily News reported  details of a “Settlement of Dispute” signed on June 27 by Jasmine  and hospital officials.

“This is a ploy by the hospital and their lawyer as delay tactics since the resolution (of the fact-finding panel) is being released today.”

“You cannot afford to pay us for our integrity, self respect and principles (you know exactly who you are).”

“Stay calm and brace for the storm. We will see you all again soon,” he said, addressing surprised friends and supporters, who read about the settlement and asked if it was genuine.

Noval, a 39-year-old Fil-Am bicycle advocate, was not a signatory.

He called it a “spectacular document”….. “they could’ve done better by adding me in this document.”

Did he know know the case with the hospital had been settled over the weekend?

Yesterday morning, Badocdoc went to the office of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) 7 to ask for a copy of the fact-finding panel’s 15-page resolution on the investigation of the taping of their baby Yohannes.

In a talk with CHR lawyer Dante Jadman, she first denied signing any settlement.

When CDN asked for the record, Jasmine declined saying she and Ryan were advised by their lawyer not to release any statement.

The June 27 amicable settlement said it releases both the baby’s mother Jasmine and the hospital from any claim or liability “past, future or contingent” against each other.

A signed copy was submitted yesterday to the Department of Health (DOH) 7  by hospital lawyer Cornelio Mercado, who wrote in his cover letter that with the settlement “any dispute or controversy has been laid to rest.”

It said  Jasmine “appreciates” the hospital’s grant of her request for “financial assistance” and that “For the record, money is not the motive” for the amicable settlement.  No amount was stated.

CHR lawyer Jadman confirmed that the settlement was a “binding” agreement or contract between the mother and the hospital.

“Both parties can’t file charges against each other.  If Jasmine  Badocdoc would insist that she did not sign the document, she needs to prove it,” Jadman said.

Another signatory was Florencia Streegan, president of the hospital’s board of trustees who  signed the agreement in behalf of the hospital administration and staff.

Chief nurse Elena Jumao-as and Dr. Iris Jakosalem, vice president of the board of trustees, signed as witnesses.

Jadman said it was all right that the two witnesses came from the hospital since Jasmine Badocdoc can read and understand the document.

In the afternoon, an update was posted in Jasmine’s Facebook status, sounding as if the couple was still intent to go after the hospital together.

“They’re obviously desperately trying to discredit us again. It’s not a surprise. They already did that before and they without a doubt,can do that again. Actually,they just did,” said the post.

Singling out the hospital lawyer, it said “he should have come up with another ploy.”

“So we will continue with our quest to find justice for our child and you will take the hospital down with you.”

Quoting a lawyer in the fact-finding panel, it  said “no amount of settlement or no settlement can prevent any type of case.

“We will stick to what we started. We will stand our ground and we will let the law take its course.”


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Hospital officials, mother of taped baby sign ‘no blame’ agreement