Simple tricks to solve poor internet connection at home

A slow internet connection at home can be everyone’s worst enemy under the new normal.

You can’t enjoy your Mobile Legends game, can’t binge-watch your favorite series on Netflix, and you can’t keep yourself productive with your work and studies when the internet moves at a snail’s pace.

So, if you think that you’re not getting the internet speed that you paid for, chances are, the problem lies with your wireless router and not with the service provider.

To improve your internet connection, here are some simple tricks that you can do at home.

1.) Stay close to the router

Stay close to your router at home for a better browsing experience | Stock Photo

While social distancing is encouraged at times like this, in the case of your WiFi router,  it’s best to get closer to it when you’re using it. The farther your personal computer, laptop, or cellphone is from your router, the slower your internet connection becomes. Getting close to it is the easiest and most effective way of speeding up your connection.

2.) Place the router in a better location

Putting your router in the right place can make a big performance difference | Stock Photo

Not every router is alike, some have excellent signal strength while others don’t. So if your router is stuck in a corner of your home, or tucked away behind a piece of furniture, you have only got yourself to blame for that poor connection because the signal can get interrupted by walls, appliances, and devices. The best thing to do is to place your router in a central location, positioned high up, and in an area where you use the internet most often.

3.) Reduce the load

Multiple devices connecting to a single WiFi router can cause slow internet connection | Stock Photo

Considering that most people are now continuing their work and studies at home, it’s inevitable for a single WiFi router at your house to be connected with multiple devices. The more people tapping on a single WiFi connection, the slower your internet will be.

Disconnecting other devices and gadgets can be one solution to it. You might also want to delay your downloads or updates, and reduce the quality of video when streaming to prioritize devices that are in need of faster internet.

4.) Use Ethernet connections

The use of Ethernet cables can help improve your internet connection | Stock Photo

Everyone loves the convenience of wireless connections, that’s why everybody is using Wi-Fi these days. The problem though is that they don’t always guarantee a fast internet connection. Cabled connections are faster and more reliable than their wireless counterparts. With the use of cable, it brings the connection directly to your device instead of relaying it on over-the-air transmissions.

5.) Restart the router

Power cycling can often flush out a bunch of problems that affect your speed | Stock Photo

While you’re tired of stressing about your internet moving at a slow pace, your router is probably just as tired if you leave it on for a long period of time. Give your router a break and try to refresh your internet connection by turning it off and on again. Technicians call it “power cycling” and it can help reduce some problems that may be affecting your internet speed.