Consolacion residents told: Celebrate feast of Señor San Narciso in private

MANDAUE CITY, Philippines — Non-residents are prohibited from attending activities in relation to the annual fiesta celebration of Señor San Narciso, the patron of Consolacion town.

In Executive Order No. 76, which he signed on Friday, October 23, Mayor Joannes Alegado said that the prohibition that would be implemented from October 28 to 30 would apply to friends, relatives, and even family members of town residents.

Alegado’s EO, a copy of which was posted on the municipal government’s official Facebook page Friday night, also prohibits “non-essential” travels during the same period.

The mayor’s EO also prohibits the holding of fiesta concerts, discos, and other entertainment activities that will draw a large crowd.

However, an exemption will be given on the conduct of religious worship or service and to Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APORs).

“There is a need for the Municipality to adopt measures to assure that health protocols are faithfully complied (with),” the EO states.

On Friday, Consolacion town reported that it still had 15 active cases of the infection. Its recovery count is now at 544 while its death count remains at 36.

Barangay Tayud has the most number of active cases with four followed by Tugbongan with three. Barangays Cabangahan, Casili, Jugan, Nangka, Poblacion Occidental, Poblacion Oriental, Pulpogan, and Tolotolo have one case each.

Private fiesta celebration

With this, Alegado said he wanted his constituents to celebrate this year’s fiesta in private and in the comforts of their respective homes.

“There shall be a strict implementation of the requirement of Quarantine Passes. No person shall be allowed to go out of his/her residence without a Quarantine Pass for religious worship or service,” he said.

Alegado’s EO also prohibits the selling and drinking of liquor in public places during the three-day period while those aged 21-years-old and below, pregnant women, and those who have underlying conditions are also barred from leaving their homes except in emergency situations and in order to attend religious service.

Policemen, barangay tanods, and PNP-accredited organizations are asked to ensure compliance with the mayor’s EO.

Violators will be penalized for resistance and disobedience to a person in authority and for violation of related laws and ordinances.

An establishment caught violating the EO would risk the revocation of its business permit./dbs