The different types of rests we all need


CEBU CITY, Philippines— They say resting is the best kind of reward one can give themselves.

There are many kinds of rest that can help recharge a person from all the stress life can encounter.

Sleeping is not the only rest people need. Yup! Some need more than just a good sleep or a quick nap to be able to get a good rest that can help.

Read on and help yourself get the needed rest from whatever is wearing you out.

Creative rest

If you feel like you’re stuck with your usual creative juices and vibes, take a pause. Just stop doing what you are doing, discover something new, but don’t do it just yet! Wait for the right moment until you know your way around it, around making something new with your creativity.

Social rest

We all have friends, but sometimes we tend to expect the same thing from them. Sometimes, they ask too much from us. Take a break and just not hang out with your friends for weeks or months. They’ll understand why you needed that break.

Mental rest

Stop thinking too much and just let it go. Be okay with not controlling everything around you. Let it go. Cement good memories in your mind and work on that. Start living unapologetically and start living, the way you should be living your life.

Career rest

Our jobs can really take a toll on us especially if we are aiming to be someone or somewhere else in the coming years. Now is not the time to stress over your career, because if you let it into your head, it won’t take long before you too will not progress.

Emotional rest

If you get triggered easily and cry a lot, or get aggressive, this is a sign that you need to take it slow and realign your emotions with your goals.

A night of simple sleep can recharge us from simple exhaustion. But remember, we face different challenges every day that require a different kind of rest.

Take time to take care of yourself!
