Caindec: Busay accident driver aware that brake was broken

LTO-7 Regional Director Victor Caindec

MANDAUE CITY, Philippines – The driver of the minidump truck which hit a motorcycle on Sunday killing all four passengers on board, was aware that the brake of the vehicle he was driving was broken.

This was what the Land Transportation Office Central Visayas (LTO-7) found out in its separate investigation on the vehicular accident that happened along Sitio Hoyohoy in Barangay Busay last Sunday, January 3, 2021.

The LTO-7 added that the driver, Whelmir Embudo could also be cited for overloading after they learned that the vehicle was packed with 11 passengers, way above the allowed 3 passengers.

” Ang driver aware na diay nga guba ang brake pero gigamit gyapon, that is a very important development sa ato’ng pag investigate, we will also, of course, coordinate with the police to have a more comprehensive investigation and we will see on what are the administrative liabilities nga amo’ng i-impose didto. Katu’ng sakyanan gihuwaman ra to niya sa iya’ng igsuon o uyab,” said Regional Director Victor Caindec of LTO-7.

As to the overloading aspect, Caindec said most vehicles in the area tend to overload due to the lack of transportation.

He said they would like to suggest to the local government unit and to the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) to consider having a Local Transport Route Plan in the area.

“Kung gusto ta’ng mosulbad ning overloading, mga habal-habal, naa ra tingale sa public transport, usa sa mga importante nga solusyon, walay labot ana ang pagkareckless sa mga tawo, kanang reckless driving walay labot ang LGU ana,” said Caindec.

Caindec also visited the wake of the four victims which included a mother and her three children. /rcg