Let go of these negative vibes this 2021

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Let this year be the year for a positive mindset.

Stop lingering over the negative vibes you yourself have instilled in your head.

That negativity will somehow kill your ray of sunshine, one way or another.

Want to know some negative vibes that you need to let go of as you start the year?

Read on.

Self-doubt— you are your biggest support system. If you keep questioning your capabilities, you will never achieve your dreams in life. Learn to stop doubting and start trusting yourself.

Perfection— no one is perfect! You can try to be perfect but don’t be too hard on yourself if you fail. Learn to live with that, that you are not perfect.

Complaining— why are you still complaining about the things you failed to do? Why not rejoice and feel proud of what you have achieved instead? When you complain, you will never find that sense of contentment and happiness.

Comparing— healthy competition is okay, but comparing yourself too much is not. If you compete, you must also realize that you are still learning, so don’t feel so bad if you fail. Just try to put up a good fight. Coz when you compare the things that you did and what others did, that’s not healthy at all and will only allow your insecurities to grow.

Controlling everything— you can’t control everything, so don’t. This will only lead you to be frustrated over things.

Breathe in and breathe out! Learn to let these negative ideas and actions go.

Because you are more powerful than these unhealthy vibes. /rcg