Beer and empi still available in Mandaue after all, but these should only be consumed at home

Drinking alcoholic beverages is still allowed in Mandaue, if and only if, it is done inside homes. | STOCK PHOTO

MANDAUE CITY, Philippines – Selling, purchasing, and drinking of liquor and alcoholic drinks in Mandaue City are still allowed after all. Drinking, however, should only be done at home.

This was clarified by lawyer Lizer Malate, head of the Mandaue City Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Business Permit Licensing Office (BPLO).

Mandaue City Mayor Jonas Cortes released Executive Order no. 9 on Saturday, February 20, 2021, reimposing the total liquor ban and reiterating important guidelines under the modified general community quarantine as an additional measure to prevent non-essential gatherings in public places and to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) especially with the surge of daily cases.

In the said EO, any person, including owners and managers of hotels, resorts, restaurants, convenience stores, sari-sari stores, and other establishments, is prohibited to serve and/or drink intoxicating alcohol or alcoholic drinks within Mandaue City.

Malate said the serving and drinking in the establishments and other public places are what the EO prohibits.

Police Colonel Jonathan Abella, director of the Mandaue City Police Office (MCPO), said people caught drinking even just outside their house will be apprehended and may be arrested.

Abella added they have yet to catch any violators.

Malate is encouraging residents to cooperate so that they will not be apprehended by the enforcement teams.

Malate admitted that some businesses have closed due to the imposed liquor ban. /rcg