Mandaue police to tap brgy chiefs in battle vs COVID-19

This undated transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2, also known as novel coronavirus, the virus that causes COVID-19. | Handout via REUTERS.

MANDAUE CITY, Philippines – The Mandaue City Police Office (MCPO) will meet with the city’s barangay captains to discuss the enforcement of health protocols in the villages.

This is due to the increasing number of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in the city.

The MCPO is eyeing to curb the increasing number of violators of the safety protocols.

Police Major Zosimo Jabas, chief of the Operations and Management Unit of MCPO, said they will schedule a meeting with the barangay captains to talk about the strict implementation of the minimum health standards in the villages.

Jabas said most of the quarantine violators were found in the interior portions of the barangays.

“Amo lang nga end sa police makigestorya mi sa mga Kapitan para nga amoang maestoryaan ang deployment nato hilabi na sa ilang mga tanod nga mosupport sa atong police nga magconduct og rekorida as deterrence man gyud na siya, pahinumduman nato og balik sa katung minimum health standard protocols,” said Jabas.

Aside from this, the MCPO has also conducted weekly simultaneous law enforcement operations from Fridays to Sundays for 24 hours.

Jabas said that this is because it was on those days where most people usually go out of their houses.

Jabas added that the simultaneous operations of all police stations are on top of their personnel being spread in the different places in the city to enforce the health protocols.

“Mao tong naay synchronized nga operations para naay impact, para makita sa atong barangays nga seryoso ta,” he said. /rcg