Do you know what women REALLY want for her me-time? Read on

We all have a special woman in our lives that deserves to be treated well for the hard work and dedication that they strive every day — be it our mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, bestie or our mentors.

Not to mention that women are truly superheroes in disguise that make a huge impact in society.

Take our very own mamas, for example. They are our first teachers, our personal doctors, on-call chef and even the bestfriend we never knew we all needed, the list goes on!

But regardless if she is a mother or not, all women deserve a time for themselves once in a while to relax, power up, and prepare to face the challenges of the world they face each day.

This March or the International Women’s Month, we’re giving you a hint of what women fancy for a day out from shopping to a pamper session! So read on to learn what your special woman would appreciate or if you are a strong independent woman, here are some ideas on how to spend your me-time this month.

1. Retail Therapy

Forme | Second Floor, Mountain Wing, SM Seaside City Cebu

It’s true! Shopping is one of the best therapies after a fully loaded week at work or a terrible day at school, and sometimes, it’s not bad to add new items in our closet.

Treat yourself with trendy and stylish pieces to elevate your wardrobe that will help you conquer each day. You know what they say, women don’t dress to impress but to win!

Get up to 50% off from participating stores all Wednesdays of March. (Click the photo for participating stores.)

2. Spa Day

Nuat Thai | Third Floor, Mountain Wing, SM Seaside City Cebu

Who wouldn’t want a relaxing spa day to release all those nerves that you got after you finished a challenging task at your office or at home?

I am sure we can all relate to the relaxation that a massage can give, and so treat your mom or your sister to a well-deserved spa session, you can even book yourself a massage too!

3. Mani-Pedi

Poshnails | Third Floor, Mountain Wing, SM Seaside City Cebu

We all deserve to be pampered! But the women in your life will love a manicure and pedicure pamper session any day!

Sometimes all she needs are clean nails with a little bit of color or some nail art to go on with her monthly tasks and events.

4. A bite to eat

Snack Time | Second Floor, Mountain Wing, SM Seaside City Cebu

There’s a lot of work to do to successfully win a woman’s heart, but one secret that works all the time? Never make her go hangry, that killer combination of angry and hungry can kill her mood any day so make sure to give her snacks. You are welcome!

Ladies, if there’s no man treating you the way you deserve to be treated, don’t worry! True queens can also treat herself to delightful snack or meal.

5. An outdoor date night

The Al Fresco – Friday – Saturday | 5PM | The Tower Garden, SM Seaside City Cebu

The outdoors simply lightens up any mood during any day and if you want to take your girl to a romantic dinner under the stars with delicious food, The Al Fresco at SM Seaside City Cebu’s Tower Garden is one of the best last-minute yet worthy date night idea you can pull off!

You can also enjoy acoustic performances from these empowered women every Friday & Saturday, 5PM at The Alfresco at The Tower Garden of SM Seaside City Cebu.

Read more: Here’s why you should eat more outdoors

Women at Work | March 5 – 31, 2021 | Mountain Wing Atrium, SM Seaside City Cebu

Aside from the latest fashion essentials or beauty items, score some great finds at the Women At Work — a one-stop bazaar at the Mountain Wing Atrium of SM Seaside City Cebu from March 5 to 31.

Now what are you waiting for? Set a date to take out all the special women in your life and have a breather with them be it shopping, dining, a special spa session or all of the above! For a #SafeMallingAtSM experience, don’t forget to bring your own sanitizer, maintain social distancing and make sure to wear your face mask & face shield at all times.

Celebrate all the #AweSMWomen this Women’s Month at #SMSeasideCityCebu and don’t forget to follow SM Seaside City Cebu (Official) on Facebook and @smseasidecitycebu on Instagram to get the latest updates on exclusive deals and more!
