Losing interest in someone? Take note of these things

What is your story?


CEBU CITY, Philippines— Losing interest in someone is sad and painful.

But it is tougher for the person you lose interest in.

To you, it may come easier day by day to create your distance. But to that someone, the distance you create every day is an agony he or she cannot understand.

So do your someone a favor and take note of these things if you start losing interest in them:

Tell them

This is not the easiest option in this situation, but it is the right and best way to say it. Tell that person what you feel and let them be aware. If they don’t want to listen, that is not on you. You did your part now, so just wait ’till they understand.

Don’t go behind their backs

Don’t betray the person who once gave you a lot of happiness during your darkest days. Don’t let him or her feel the pain of being betrayed.

Let them go

Don’t keep them because you know that they bring you confidence and respect. Let them go so they, too, can start making themselves whole again.

Be clear

Be clear with your intentions, needs, plans, and wants. Let the person know why you are slowly drifting away from him or her. It may not be that clear for your partner now, but best to believe you did whatever you could to prepare him or her.

Adjust slowly

Don’t be in a rush to get out and let the person know you are no longer interested. Do things slowly and gently so that no one gets feel left behind oh so quickly.

If you start losing interest, start to think of the ways or things your partner deserves before you say your goodbyes. It just seems to be the right thing to do.


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