On Earth Day 2021, Google Doodle video encourages everyone to plant trees and teach younger generations to do the same

DALAGUETE, Cebu—April 22 of every year is celebrated as World Earth Day.

On this day of the year, people from different nations come together to promote awareness of the health of the environment.

For this year, Google Doodle highlights the domino effect of  planting a seed and teaching the younger generations to plant one sapling at a time.









Screen grabbed from Google


Or watch it here. 

The video shows a variety of trees being planted on different habitats, which is one of the ways humans can contribute to keep the Earth clean and healthy for future generations.

Google encourages everyone today to find one small act they can do to restore the Earth.

Google Doodle is a special and temporary alteration of the logo on Google’s homepages intended to commemorate holidays, events, achievements, and notable historical figures of particular countries.

What’s your small act of saving Mother Earth, Ka-Siloys?  /rcg