CEBU CITY, Philippines — The Zonta Club of Cebu II will organize a fundraising and awareness sports event dubbed as “Walk For Women” slated from November 25 to December 12.
The virtual walkathon aims to end violence against women and children and raise awareness of women’s rights and equality amidst the global pandemic.
In a virtual press conference on Wednesday, September 8, 2021, Zonta Club of Cebu II president Petite Garcia said that domestic abuse against women and girls alarmingly increased during the pandemic.
“243 million women and girls abused in one year around the world. The pandemic intensified this violence as support services were closed,” said Garcia during the virtual presser.
As an international organization working for the advancement of women’s status in society, the Zonta Club of Cebu II also intensifies its awareness campaign to end what they called the “silent pandemic” which is domestic violence against women and children.
One of the activities lined up this year is the virtual walkathon that features five distances, each with its own cause.
The three-kilometer distance aims to raise awareness of teenage pregnancy. The corresponding distances 5k (end children marriage), 10k (break the chain of inequality and abuse), 15k (stand-up against trafficking of women and children), and 21k (say no to violence against women).
“This catastrophic experience has taught our members to thrive and think out-of-the-box to extend its reach to more women and girls, as well as to communities in need during these most perilous times”, said Garcia.
Similar to other virtual running events in Cebu, the “Walk For Women” follows the same mechanics. Participants are given enough time to complete their chosen distance within the given time period.
During the presser, the organizers announced that everyone from around the world can register and join the event.
“With this virtual walk, participants can walk or run their own race, at their own time, place, and pace. Anyone can join from anywhere in the world – they can be at the beach in Cebu or in New York’s Central Park, on the streets of Manila or Paris or inside their own homes on a treadmill”, shares Organizing Committee Chair, Atty. Regal Oliva.
It means that participants can use a treadmill in their home or go outdoors to complete their chosen distance.
The proceeds of the event will be used for the club’s charitable activities and to establish a new “Pink Room” in Mandaue City.
“We remain relentless and we don’t give up and take new opportunities like this virtual walk. Ending violence and abuse against women is everyone’s witness,” the organizers said.
The registration fee is pegged at P750 which includes a ‘gratuity bag’ filled with goodies, the event shirt, visor, and a tumbler.
Only those who are able to finish their chosen distance will receive an e-certificate. Registration is available at /rcg