CEBU CITY, Philippines — The virtual novena masses for the Fiesta Señor 2022, the nine-day celebration leading to the feast day of the Sto. Niño, will begin Friday, January 7, 2022.
Here are important reminders to take note of for this year’s Fiesta Seńor novena:
The Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu will open only for those who will want to venerate at the Holy Image of the Child Jesus and those who want to light candles and pray, but the masses are not physically accessible to the public.
The public visiting the Basilica must take note that the roads around the church will be closed from motorists and parking will also not be allowed.
The Cebu City Transportation Office (CCTO) shows in the diagram below the roads that will be closed during the nine-day novena including portions of D. Jakosalem, Osmeña Boulevard, P. Burgos Street, and portions of nearby streets as well including M.C. Briones, Legaspi Street, Magallanes Street, and F. Gonzales Street.
“Ang entranda sa Veneration tua sa Magallanes St. sa may MCWD. Ang entrada sa mo dagkot naa sa may BDO, Magallanes St.,” said the CCTO in a post.
Road closures around the Basilica Minore Del Sto. Niño starts on January 7. The Basilica friars said in their official Facebook page that the candle area has been transferred to the Pilgrim Center to accommodate more people.
There will be different entrances for the candle area and the veneration area. The candle area entrance is at Magallanes Street, while the veneration entrance is at P. Burgos Street.
Entrances to the different areas in the Basilica. | Photo Courtesy of Basilica Minor del Sto. Niño
The public is urged to stay only for a few minutes to give others a chance to venerate or pray as well.
Councilor Philip Zafra said in previous statements that devotees are urged not to bring their younger children to the Basilica to avoid risking their health amid the threat of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19.
They are urged to stay at home and watch the virtual masses or attend the novena masses in their respective parishes. It must be noted that children can still enter the Basilica.
For those who will visit the Basilica, they are reminded to follow the basic health protocols of wearing face masks and social distancing.
Here is the schedule for the novena masses starting January 7, 2022:
No Devotee City for Fiesta Señor 2022