The perfect gift this Valentine’s day according to your lover’s Love Language

What’s your love language? Or are you aware of the different love languages that can actually help you in your relationships?

Knowing someone’s love language will help you understand them better. Plus, an open and honest communication is a must be it with a special someone, your family, or even your friends. 

The five love languages are unique ways of expressing and receiving love. They act like a framework by which they help couples understand each other more deeply, resolve conflict and maintain healthy relationships.

What will make you feel loved and cherished in the relationship? If you already have an answer to that question, check if your love languages are words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, or physical touch.

This love month, SM Seaside City Cebu  gives you some #LovinVibeAtSM with amazing deals, gift ideas, and more! And here’s a simple guide on what to give your Valentine according to the languages of love.

Feel the #LovinVibeAtSM from SM Seaside City Cebu this love month! | Click here for promos and deals

1. Words of affirmation

Individuals with this love language value verbal acknowledgments of affection and frequent reminders of how much you love and value them.

To put this simply, this love language is telling someone you love them.

Aside from sweet “I Love You’s”, compliments, words of appreciation, verbal encouragement and constant communication are important to them.

For your special someone who loves receiving words of affirmation, why not bring back the classic handwritten letters for your special someone this Valentine’s Day? Make your own heartfelt letter, poem, or short story for your Valentine and find all the necessary materials for your project at the National Bookstore.


2. Quality time

There are a lot of people whose love language is spending quality time with their significant other.

It is also important to make sure that your time together is memorable and special while you’re hanging out or having a date. These days, we spend so much time on our gadgets that some actually get offended that you’re on your phone a lot when you are with your girlfriend or boyfriend.

When your partner’s language of love is quality time, they will appreciate active listening, eye contact, and full presence when being together.

This February 14, have quality time over a card game or with the food you both love. Check out quality games at the Toy Kingdom and have a memorable date night with the Lovin’ Eats dining deals!



3. Acts of services

Your love language can actually be about the “little things” like someone opening a door for you, cooking your favorite dishes, or offering you a lift home.

Demonstrating your love for someone with this kind of love language is a big deal for them. Even the smallest details like remembering they love chocolate, and bringing them their favorite one can be an act of service for them.

Comforting them on a rough week, cooking their favorite meal when they get sick, and celebrating with them during their milestones are acts of service that eventually add up to making them feel loved by you.

Express your love for your lover this Valentine’s Day by cooking a special home-cooked meal. Get all your necessary needs at SM Supermarket!


You can also Get P100 OFF on your GrabFood cravings from February 12-14, 2022 only! Just use the promo code: LOVINSM.

Use the promo code “LOVINSM” to get P100 off!

4. Receiving Gifts

Gifts are very symbolic and certain items have special meanings when given to someone. The value of gifts is never underrated so it’s no wonder that receiving gifts can be a love language.

You feel loved when you receive visual and physical symbols of love and although a gift can be as simple as flowers or as expensive as diamonds, each gift is special when it is from the person you love or who appreciates you,

There is actually a gift-giving process involved in this love language. The thought, the time spent choosing and buying the gift, and the emotional benefits when giving and receiving the gift.

What are you waiting for? Get your significant other a gift as special as them this Valentine’s from the Lovin’ Gift Fair at the Mountain Wing Atrium for more gift ideas!


5. Physical touch

You will agree that this does not need a lot of explaining since we express gratitude, love, and affection by simply hugging or giving a peck on the cheek.

Other people like a morning kiss, a gentle pat on the back or just holding hands to make them feel loved and appreciated, too!

Couples with this love language both understand that they need physical signs of affection to feel loved. Whether it be kissing, hugging, holding hands to the mall, or cuddling before they go to bed, intimacy keeps the spark of the relationship.

This love month, share the love of touch by giving a special textured and high-quality Fleece blanket from The SM Store for your loved ones so they can be reminded of your touch even if you’re away!


Flex your love this Valentine’s and join the TikTok Challenge!


Get P50 OFF on your GrabCar protect ride to and from SM Seaside City Cebu from February 12-14, 2022 only!

For your Valentine’s day date, get P50 OFF on your GrabCar protect ride to and from SM Seaside City Cebu!

Excited for your next trip to SM Seaside City Cebu? We got transportation options for you, #SMFam! Watch the 𝙎𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙄𝘿𝙀 𝙍𝙄𝘿𝙀𝙎, your transpo guide to SM Seaside City Cebu.

For more deals and promos this love month, follow SM Seaside City Cebu on their Official Facebook and Instagram accounts to be updated.