Mandaue health office warns public not to be complacent with dengue

dengue Mandaue


MANDAUE CITY, Cebu—The Mandaue City Health Office is reminding the public not to take dengue lightly as cases recorded this year almost reached 800.

Percy Mendoza, the dengue coordinator of the Mandaue City Health Office, said the number of dengue cases recorded this year is 773 with seven deaths.

Mendoza said that most of the deaths recorded were children as young as 1 year old.

She is reminding the public not to be complacent and always clean their surroundings to lessen the chances of breeding dengue-carrying mosquitoes. 

She is encouraging people who are experiencing symptoms of dengue to consult a doctor or go to their office.

Mendoza said it is important to get checked immediately since some people may think that what they are feeling is not symptoms of dengue.

“They might think it’s measles because they have almost the same  manifestations with dengue. We should never be complacent,” said Mendoza.

The CHO has been advocating anti-dengue information campaign in barangays and conducts mother classes. The office also offers free dengue check-ups.



Dengue symptoms to watch out for, according to WHO