Palace dismisses case vs Rama

The Office of the President has dismissed the complaint filed by former Association of Barangay Councils (ABC) Cebu City president Michael Ralota against Mayor Michael Rama.

In a decision dated Nov. 20, 2014 and signed by Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr.,  Malacañang said the complaint filed against Rama was moot and academic.

“The rule is that local elective officials cannot be subjected to disciplinary sanction for administrative misconduct committed during a prior term,” read the decision which was received by the Office of the Mayor last week.

In 2012, during Rama’s first term as mayor, Ralota, who was  authorized by the ABC through a resolution, filed an administrative complaint for grave abuse of authority against the mayor for using P4.5 million of the appropriated P5 million financial assistance to the ABC without the latter’s permission.

Ralota said he respects the decision of the Malacañang and hopes for a  favorable decision from the Office of the Ombudsman.

Ralota also filed a criminal complaint for technical malversation against Rama and former budget officer Nelfa Briones.