Police, NBI aid sought on homeowners group dispute

The Police Regional Office (PRO) and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) were asked by the incumbent board of directors of a homeowners association in Banilad, Cebu City to ensure their continued stay in office.

The Sto. Niño Village Homeowners Association Inc. (SNVHAI) cited an order by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) allowing them to continue their duties in order “not to jeopardize the welfare” of the homeowners.

There are nearly 500 homeowners at the Sto. Niño village of whom 168 are SNVHAI members.

Among those living in the village are former Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal and former Cebu governor Vicente dela Cerna.

The order signed by HLU arbiter lawyer Marife C. Doblada authorizes the incumbent board of directors to “continue to extend services, perform their principal duties and responsibilities.”


The incumbent board filed a petition declaring a failure of elections due to alleged electioneering, intimidation and fraud committed in the June 8, 2014 elections.

The winners in the election were Ernesto Rina, Albert James Alivio, Clarito Fruelda, Benito Sia, Frances Palang, Maximo Ricohermoso, Antonio Golez, Antonio Castro and Jacinto Jamero.

The board petition was granted by the SNVHAI election committee who issued an order directing the winning candidates to submit their answers to the petition.

The incumbent BOD is led by Florentino Palacio, vice president Michelle Farrarons and treasurer Jefferson Lim.

On June 16, the election committee issued a resolution declaring a failure of elections.


The resolution also dissolved the election committee.

The board led by Palacio issued a resolution declaring a status quo until a new election is held and all legal issues in the election are resolved.

Ricohermoso led the other candidates in filing an election protest and a petition for a cease and desist order at the regional HLURB office.

Ultimo C. Servante, HLURB arbiter for Central Visayas, signed the order granting their request.

But last December 9 the HLURB board of commissioners nullified the cease and desist order, saying it was “unlawful.”


The ruling was signed by Antonio M. Bernardo, chief executive officer and commissioner of HLURB.

The HLURB board of commissioners issued the writ of execution directing all involved to implement its December 9 order immediately.

Prior to their order, the SNVHAI board was unable to access the homeowner association’s bank accounts at China Bank.

The SNVHAI board wrote a letter dated January 7 calling on China Bank to restore exclusive access of their funds to the president, Palacio, vice president Farrarons and treasurer Lim, granting them authority as exclusive signatories.