Orange Brutus Anniversary perks coming your way

Orange Brutus

Orange Brutus Sizzling Burger Steak

As we’ll be celebrating our 35th anniversary this year, get ready for a lot of perks coming your way.

Orange Brutus is highlighting the meals you’ve always loved, which are sure to make you reminisce of the years you’ve spent enjoying them with family, friends and maybe even your special someone.

Orane Brutus is also running contests on Facebook Page every now and then. Announcement of game mechanics, updates, prizes and winners will be posted there so make sure to hit the like button and be in with what’s new. If you haven’t liked our page yet, click on the link below and give us some love:

Branches will also have in-store activities that will make your dining experience more fun and interesting. Even better, what a treat it would be to bring home a prize after a delightful Orange Brutus meal right?

Watch out for Orange Brutus’ new jingle which will hit the airwaves soon!

So, gear up for a lot of perks coming your way all year round as they celebrate 35 awesome years of Brutuliciousness!