DTI shares Christmas shopping tips to consumers: Engage in ‘comparison shopping’

CEBU CITY, Philippines – As the holiday season draws near, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) finally released its much-anticipated Noche Buena Price Guide for 2023.

But before scrolling through the prices, the DTI shared essential consumer tips for everyone to enhance the holiday shopping experience.

READ: DTI urged to impose price ceilings to avoid price manipulation this Christmas season

Firstly, the agency encouraged consumers to engage in “comparison shopping” by exploring various options available in the market. This would help shoppers to find the best value for their money and make well-informed purchasing decisions.

It is also crucial to scrutinize product labels diligently before making any purchase. This includes checking expiry dates and verifying price tags to avoid misunderstandings or discrepancies during transactions.

Moreover, to safeguard against counterfeit noche buena items, consumers are advised to inspect the quality of products thoroughly.

The agency emphasized the importance of making purchases only from trusted stores to ensure authenticity and quality.

As holiday shopping often comes with various promotions, discount deals, and giveaways, DTI advised consumers to be vigilant and look for opportunities to maximize savings and enhance their overall holiday shopping experience.

Now, you can dive into the selected price highlights from DTI for Noche Buena 2023.


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