Encountering Jesus

Encountering Jesus



The story is told about two elderly men who found themselves alone in an elevator. It was an awkward encounter. One of them finally broke the ice and said: “I think I know you … ah, it was you or was it your brother who died?”

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In today’s Gospel (John 1:35-42), we hear about the first awkward encounter of the disciples with Jesus. Not knowing how to start the conversation, they asked Jesus: “Rabbi, where are you staying?” The first moment of any encounter begins when we want to know more about the other person. Consequently, the deeper encounter happens when we get to know more personally about the other person. Let us be open to new encounters, and deepen old encounters.

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Do you know God more now, than when you were a child? Have you grown not only in your knowledge but also in your personal relationship with the Lord? Is God more real and closer to you now? Is our relationship with God clearer and deeper, as we grow older?

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There are people we connect with, spontaneously, and easily. On the other hand, there are people we cannot connect, or hardly connect with, try as we may. Chemistry? Maybe. But if we try and keep on being open, and continue to reach out, encounters happen and deepen.
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Are there people who are difficult to live with? Are there people with whom you cannot get along? Try these three P’s: Prayer, Patience, Perseverance.

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PRAYER. If you find it hard to be with or get along with a person, just pray and continue to pray for him/her. Prayer is the glue that makes us stick with people who are near and dear to us or those who are burdensome or queer to us. If you find it hard to love someone, at least pray for that someone, somehow. Prayer is prayerful. Prayer does wonders!

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PATIENCE. The excitement and the warmth in any relationship can die down. We cannot be “high” all the time. That is where the decision to be patient and to be understanding comes in handy. No matter what happens, let us not give up, or become cynical with people. To keep a relationship going, we must continue to be patient, understanding, and forgiving.

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PERSEVERANCE. If you value a relationship, you must make a decision to treasure and nurture it, no matter what, and persevere, come what may. Our decision to love does not nor should not depend on things or situations outside us. It is a decision we make in our hearts, with commitment, hope, and prayer.

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For a marriage to last and grow, there must be a love triangle, i.e., husband, wife, and a “third party,” not another man/woman, but God! As the Lord was welcomed by the couple in the wedding at Cana, welcome the Lord in your marriage, in your family and home, in your circle of friends! May the Lord’s presence make our relationships, strong, and enduring.

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It is not a perfect world, neither are we perfect people. But, may not this lead us to cynicism and hopelessness. May we believe and keep on believing that love is alive and that love will continue to thrive. Yes, let’s give love and peace a chance.

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We encounter all kinds of people as we journey on. When was the last time we encountered the class “D”: the Deprived (“walang-wala”); the Desperate (“nagwawala”); the Disoriented (“nawawala”)? Let us follow our Lord and Savior who taught us that every person is worth stopping for, especially the last, the lost, and the least.

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Fake news! Someone used my picture and posted a written endorsement for a health product called “Glufarelin” for diabetics. Not true po. I endorse only the Lord. That’s all.

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A moment with the Lord: Lord, may we encounter You more personally, especially in the class “D” (deprived, disoriented, and desperate) people. Amen



Hold on, hope on

My Master, Lord, and King

Focus on the goal

Love ‘pa’ more!

Speaking against silence