What is love? Netizens share their answers

what is love

Love is..

CEBU CITY, Philippines– What is love?

The older generation have this Cebuano quote as answer: “Ang gugma mura’g bubble gum. Kung mo pilit maka buang!” (Love is like bubble gum. If it sticks on you, you can go crazy.)

While this may be a funny quote to some, this is entirely true when one falls in love.

Love is not defined by a single description as what people would say. Rather, it is a feeling of being wanted and being respected. This is a deeper kind of definition.


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It is not something we can give freely to everyone. It is a precious thing one should treasure.

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day 2024, CDN Digital asked this question: What is love? Here’s what netizens had to say:

No matter how you would see and define love, we always should spread it around like positive vibes.

So what is love?

Love is the spice that flavors life, bringing warmth, laughter, and excitement. It’s not just a feeling; it’s a thrilling journey. So, cherish it, hold onto it, and let love guide you through life’s whirlwind.

Is this what it means to you too?