Bulacao residents ask for road access

Over 200 families in barangay Bulacao are asking the Cebu City government’s help in opening up access roads into their community.

Four different lots will be affected in creating the access roads for sitios Upper Ciwac, Lower Ciwac, San Roque and Laguna. While three of the owners have agreed to sell portions of their lot that will be affected, one owner refused.

Richard Cheung who represents the families wrote to Mayor Michael Rma on March 25 asking for help because the road they will are using will be closed and the lot owner, Nazario Sabellano is not willing to help them/

The families are located at the back of the Bulacao Community Elementary School. At least 259 representatives from the community have signed the petition asking the city for help.

During their regular session last week, the Cebu City Council has passed a resolution, authored by councilor Gerardo Carillo, authorizing Rama to negotiate for the purchased of the lots to be affected for the proposed access road.

At the same time, they only want the mayor’s office to initiate expropriation proceedings for the lot whose owner is refusing to sell.