Just pray, don’t bet on Pacquiao, public urged

THE Cebu Archdiocese reminded their faithful to shun gambling and instead pray for the victory of Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao.

“The Church offers a precaution to people to, as much as possible, avoid gambling, especially the manner of offering excessive bets,” said Msgr. Joseph Tan in a phone interview yesterday.

Tan, archdiocese spokesman, said  gambling, particularly those which are addictive and compulsive, are discouraged by the Catholic Church.

For Pacquiao to win in today’s historic battle, the  priest said prayer will be the best weapon.

“Let’s focus on prayer. This is an occasion for us to support Pacquiao. His victory means a lot to the nation. Through him, the Philippines will once again find itself in the world map,” Tan said.

For Pacquiao

Like many Filipinos, he said he, too, is cheering for Pacquiao.

“Any Filipino who will not support Manny Pacquiao is not a Filipino at all,” Tan quipped.