San Francisco gets new vice mayor

Former San Francisco Municipal Mayor Alfredo “Al” Arquillano in the Camotes Groups of Islands is now the town’s vice mayor following the demise of Vice Mayor Allan Arquillano, his younger brother.

The town mayor, Ally Arquillano, is also their  brother.

Alfredo, the town’s first councilor, took his oath of office on Thursday after before Gov. Hilario Davide III at the Capitol.

His brother Allan died of neuroendocrine cancer on March 23.

Al said he was  happy  for the opportunity to serve his constituents  and that he  aims not just to craft ordinances but  to implement all approved measures.

In 2011, San Francisco  town received the  United Nations (UN) Sasakawa Award for disaster risk reduction in Geneva.

It was Alfredo, the town’s  mayor then, who adopted  the “purok system” as a grassroots response in preparing for calamities.

The community is involved in disseminating information during disasters and taps the initiatives of  every resident.

Alfredo said the town will still continue the strategy they  started and  will  improve their disaster  preparation and response plan.

He said every LGU should have a multi-hazard early warning system where people can get specific details of how to prepare for a  calamity.

“That’s the kind of system that we want to put up  because we expect that  what we’ve experienced before will  happen again,” Arquillano said, referring to 2013 supertyphoon Yolanda.