Summit to address water woes

Stakeholders from all over the province will gather today at the Provincial Capitol’s Social Hall for a day-long “El Niño summit” that will address the water shortage problems faced by local government units in the province.

Cebu Gov. Hilario Davide III said in yesterday’s press conference that he hopes for solutions to deal with the water shortage problems caused by the El Niño dry spell.

Last month, Davide ordered a composite team to visit the towns and cities that are experiencing water supply problems.

“When the summit arrives, I want to hear the report of our findings,” he told reporters.

Davide said the provincial government invited presidential advisor for environmental concerns, Secretary Nerios Acosta,  to grace the event.

Official business
Other participants in today’s event include mayors of the component towns and cities, local agriculturists, local disaster risk reduction and management officers and various water districts throughout the province.

The idea of a summit was initiated by Vice Gov. Agnes Magpale following a conversation with a resident from Oslob town.

“She said there ought to be a gathering to address the water problem around the province,” Davide said. During that time last month, Davide was in Manila on official business.

Wilson Ramos, Cebu Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO) Administrative Officer said reports from the surveys were still being received from different areas as well.

Ramos said their office has not received any alarming reports regarding the effects of the El Niño.

But he said the dry spell slowed down production in Dalaguete town, known as the vegetable basket of the province.

He did not cite any specifics regarding the matter. Ramos urged the public to conserve water amid the climate.

“This is what we would like to emphasize: conserve water. That’s why we are calling for this summit. It’s because we want to know how else we can help the people,” he said.