
“Thank you very much, Father, for coming to say the mass for mom,” Kate said.

“I’m sure, after what I heard from you and your siblings, that Cathy is in a much better place.”

“Yes, Father. There’s just so much that she has done and left for us to cherish that we can never repay her for.”

“By the way, Kate, what would you consider to be your most treasured memory of mom?”

“Memory, Father? I believe that the most treasured thing I received from her are these pamana written in her last will.” She opened an envelope and unfolded a handwritten letter.

I was a bit surprised because I felt that Kate would have put more importance on spiritual inheritance over the material ones.

Then Kate slowly read:

“To my beloved and God-given children, I would like to leave you the following things as my only legacy…”

She picked up a brown paper bag and pulled out the items that her mom had left behind for her. They were:
1) Toothbrush
2) Lipstick
3) Mirror
4) Dog leash

“Kate?” I was totally stunned! “You’re not pulling my leg, are you?”

I couldn’t believe it! This was my first time to see such items left as an inheritance. I was expecting something like a lot, a house, a car, a business or something valuable.

“No, Father. Mom really left me these things. In fact, she always carried a spare toothbrush when she travelled, in case someone forgot to bring one. And this is the lipstick she used to carry in her bag and also this mirror.”

“And the dog leash?” I said. “Don’t you hate dogs?”

Kate literally laughed out loud.

“Mom’s letter explains all of these items, Father. Allow me to read them to you. (1) A toothbrush to keep cavities away and to remind you to always SMILE; (2) a lipstick, sorry, it’s slightly used, to keep you beautiful but most of all, always have GOOD and POSITIVE things to say about everyone; (3) a mirror, to check yourself, but above all before God in your personal self-EXAMINATION…” Kate stopped reading as if purposely holding me in suspense.

“…and the leash?” I was eager for an explanation.

“It’s kinda personal, Father,” she gave me a mischievous look.

“Hey, if it is so, then no problem. I guess….”

“Of course I’m just joking,” Kate continued reading.

“Dearest Kate, I know you would be wondering why, of all things, I’m leaving behind a DOG LEASH. Aren’t you allergic (at least not biologically) to dogs? First, I just thought that it’s a good reminder for you, as it was for me, to allow ourselves to be always GUIDED in life. I always saw myself on a leash held by God. He simply led me to the best things in life and with the best persons, like your dad and all of you my children!

“Second, I also thought that (only if you wish) you could use it to find your future husband. Naturally, I’m not implying you find someone who will obey your will to the last whisker. I’m inclined to think of something more romantic. Let me explain: After my usual grocery routines on Fridays, I would often stop by the park near our condo. I would just sit there enjoying the morning sun, finishing off my prayers and sometimes my Rosary.

“One day, I noticed a fine-looking young fellow. He was leading a young and bubbly Golden Retriever. He seemed very patient and kind, after all, watching him trying to train his dog made me conclude that he possessed some wonderful qualities (also his dog).

“So how will you catch this man? I leave it to your creativity. But if you allow me to make a suggestion, why don’t you go to the park with the leash and act as though you lost your dog. I am confident, that the leash will help you catch your Romeo. Love and prayers, mom.”