To love God and the same sex: A queer man’s testimony of faith

Queer x Religion

“If they accept the Lord and have goodwill, who am I to judge them?”

This was a message from Pope Francis in 2013 that controversially opened the possibility of living both a queer and Catholic life non-paradoxically. For years, members of the Catholic Church have actively detested the existence and expression of queer practices and lifestyles, which they claim go against the teachings of the Bible.

“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination,” they have consistently preached, quoting the book of Leviticus from the Old Testament to justify their religious stance.

In a world full of distasteful comments against the LGBT+ community, Pope Francis’ message stood as a beacon of hope for Catholic-raised queer people, knowing that the person holding the highest position in the Catholic Church believes that they can live a Catholic life.


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Now, we ask the question: Is it really possible for a queer person to live a religious or Catholic life?

Out of curiosity, CDN Digital interviewed a man who proudly identifies as a member of the LGBT+ community and considers himself a devout Roman Catholic.

Meet Vince, a member of the LGBT+ community

In an interview with CDN Digital, Vince Francis Maglasang describes himself as a person who loves to explore. He enjoys discovering underrated artists and visiting hidden gems that might fit his lifestyle. Socially, he is passionate about serving the community as a public servant. He is the current SK Chairperson of Barangay Poblacion Occidental in Consolacion, Cebu. Since starting his term, he has organized numerous initiatives to serve his constituents.

Vince also identifies as a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, a realization that came when he noticed his gravitation towards feminine groups, contrary to the expectation that he would socialize more with male friends.

Being with female friends allowed me to be myself without fear of judgment or the need to conform to traditional masculine norms. This preference for feminine companionship helped me understand my own identity and recognize that my attractions and affinities did not align with being straight. It was a significant period of self-discovery and acceptance.

He said that he was generally open about his sexual orientation with his family and friends to an extent. Vince disclosed that he often steers away from negative stereotypes attached to the LGBT+ community, learning to filter his actions depending on each situation he finds himself in.

This cautious approach perhaps stemmed from his parents’ concerns and fears that he might be associated with the negative stereotypes linked to identifying as a queer person.

Vince’s relationship with God and religion

When asked whether being both queer and religious is a possibility, Vince believes it is entirely possible. In fact, he finds his faith in God to be an “integral part” of who he is, just as much as he identifies as a member of the LGBT+ community.

As a Roman Catholic, he turns to God when he needs Him the most, especially for guidance, strength, and comfort. He values God’s teachings and applies his Catholic beliefs in his daily life.

Through prayer and reflection, I feel a personal connection to God, which reassures me of His presence and love. This relationship is a cornerstone of my life, influencing my actions and decisions and inspiring me to serve others with compassion and integrity.

Vince also explained that God’s teachings generally center on love, compassion, and acceptance—values that transcend gender identity and sexual orientation.

As a queer man, he chose to love and be compassionate without trampling on other people’s rights, believing that his sexual orientation should not hinder him from living a life of faith in God. This is much like other queer individuals who have found spiritual fulfillment through religious practices.

The idea that being queer and religious are mutually exclusive is a misconception. This harmonious integration of queerness and religiosity demonstrates that faith is a deeply personal journey, capable of encompassing all facets of a person’s identity.

Vince disclosed that he has personally experienced the miracles that God is capable of, and he aims to maintain his profound reverence and trust in Him as he navigates through life’s challenges. He hopes that God will always guide him as an explorer, a public servant, and a queer man.

Will faith and sexual orientation ever stand in each other’s way?

Even with his strong conviction, Vince admits that there are certain instances in which his queerness stood in the way of his religion. On his recent birthday, he and his family fulfilled their tradition of attending Mass to celebrate another year of his life. However, the mood instantly soured during the presiding priest’s homily.

The priest delivered what Vince described as “homophobic” preaching, speaking negatively about members of the LGBT+ community and sharing his personal experiences. At 4 a.m. on his birthday, Vince felt disheartened to hear a devout follower of his God speak negatively about people within his community. What was supposed to be a joyous day was marred by the priest’s negative comments.

Even so, Vince insists that God would want His believers to choose kindness over hate—to be compassionate towards queer people just as we are compassionate towards people regardless of status, race, or appearance.

I think God would encourage His followers to embrace diversity and recognize the inherent dignity and worth of every person. True faith should foster an environment of inclusion and support rather than judgment and exclusion.

Furthermore, Pope Francis mentioned in a speech at the Vatican that it is not a crime to love someone of the same sex: “We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are and for the strength that each of us fights for our dignity. Being homosexual is not a crime. It is not a crime.”

Living a life of faith as a queer man may contain obstacles and minor conflicts, but it does not make it impossible to stay true to one’s identity while maintaining a harmonious relationship with God.