Cebu mall saleslady found dead in Bulacao home, rape suspected

Cebu sales lady found dead

Cebu City.

CEBU CITY, Philippines– (UPDATED, August 2, 5 p.m.)  A saleslady from a Cebu mall was found dead inside her rented house in Barangay Bulacao, Cebu City, on Friday afternoon, August 2.

Authorities believe she was raped before being killed, with the additional horrifying discovery that her head had been burned.

Police have identified the sales lady who was found dead as 27-year-old Charina Baoy Relativo, who works in a mall in Cebu City.

Relativo is reportedly a native of Barangay Bulasa, Argao town, southern Cebu. The town is approximately 70 kilometers south of Cebu City.

Relativo has been living with her common law partner in a rented house in Brgy. Bulacao. Police, in a report, identified the victim’s partner as Johnjie Gaviola.

He left for work at around 7 a.m. on Friday, so he wasn’t around when the killing happened. 

Because the victim lack had no clothes when she was found, police suspect that she was raped.

A neighbor of the victim also claimed to have heard commotion inside the house on Friday morning.

Police are still investigating the incident to identify and apprehend the perpetrator.

READ: Gang rape in Naga: 5 boys to face charges for allegedly molesting 16-yr-old girl 
