Comfortable and fun travels by Flight 001


YOU don’t have to dread about traveling and flying. Make your flights more enjoyable and exciting with Flight 001 (read as: flight one).

Flight 001 is the world’s premiere travel store, and has now made its way to Cebu. Flight 001 offers practical and fun products that enables travelers to experience the world in style and comfort. It first opened in 1999 the US where they have 6 stores now, and 12 stores in Southeast Asia.

“Our mission is to promote travel” says Brad John, co-founder of Flight 001. “We’re teaching people how to enjoy travel” he added.

Flight 001 offers highly functional travel products like Spacepak packing system which maximizes cabin-size luggage space by compressing the air out of two week’s worth of clothes. The Flight 001 Go Clean Pack bag collection helps keep you organized with versatile mix-and-match bags that range from laundry to shoes, beachwear to gym gear. On top of these, the list of travel products of Flight 001 goes on.

Flight 001 products and travel solutions will make you change your view about traveling.

Visit Flight 001 at the expansion wing of Ayala Center Cebu.