Chong Hua Hospital Conducted a Mechanical Ventilation Workshop


Mechanical ventilators are complex machines designed to assist or replace spontaneous breathing. Recognizing its importance in critical care and realizing its multifaceted medical indications, Chong Hua Hospital invited doctors, respiratory therapists, and respiratory therapy students for a 2 day course on mechanical ventilation on September 17-18 2015. The two-day event was spearheaded by the Department of Internal Medicine and Section of Pulmonary Medicine with Dr. Albert Rafanan as course director assisted by Dr. Inez Rama.

Invited speakers included Pulmonary medicine specialists, Dr. Shane Boiser, Dr. Yvonne Montejo, and Dr. Yoshiko Maquiling, who discussed the basics of mechanical ventilation, non-invasive ventilation to weaning from mechanical ventilation, respectively. Also present were specialists from Hospital Saint Musse in Toulon, France, Dr. Jean-Michel Arnal and from Hamilton Medical Center, Singapore, Mr. Brian Wadden, RRT who gave insights on both clinical and technical aspects as well as their outcomes in terms of patient outcome and patient care.

The second day of event included a workshop on basic mechanical ventilator modes and set up, non-invasive ventilation to troubleshooting the mechanical ventilator with Dr. Arnal and Mr. Wadden lending their expertise on each session. During the workshop various mechanical ventilators were set up at the venue so that delegates were able to apply what was discussed and raise questions to the invited speakers. The event was successfully closed off by course director Dr. Albert Rafanan.