Manila students immerse in new film school

For graduation, students produced and acted in their own 4-minute music video.

The output was a fulfilling end for ten members of The Film Club of Southville International School and Colleges Manila who finished the intensive 9-day filmmaking workshop of the Film & Media Arts International Academy (FMA) in Cebu City from October 26 to November 3.

“It was a very hectic schedule. From lectures to hands-on training, we dove straight into a 3-day shoot,” said club president Jian Romano who directed the music video.

“The kids amazed me with their quick-wittedness and talent,” said Vanessa Tee, FMA’s editing instructor. “I’m very proud of their work.”

The International Baccalaureate students from Manila focused on the daunting task of producing a full music video of Childish Gambino’s “Sober.”

“I expected FMA to be very professional and to learn a lot from teachers who are Hollywood filmmakers. They exceeded my expectations,” said Romano.

Film Club members learned the basics in storyboarding, screenwriting, cinematography, directing, producing, production design, and editing.

“The students are quite brilliant,” said Timm Doolen, Academic Director of FMA.

“They are far more mature than what you would expect of their age.”

They got their hands on top industry-grade filmmaking equipment that includes Black Magic cameras. They also got to use an Apple editing laboratory, design studio and shooting studios.

“The filmmaking equipment is just amazing. I don’t mind being punished inside this cage,” said Bella Fragman in jest.

“But seriously, this program made me decide that I want to be a world class filmmaker. I am so spending my gap year here.”

Angela Chua, who studies multi-media at College of St. Benilde in Manila, looks forward to more training.

“This is right down my alley. Even my Dad agrees. What really surprised me was the quality of the filmmaking equipment. I can’t wait to enroll in the 1-year Diploma in Filmmaking,” she said.

Bill Ivarsoy and Bella Fragman played the main characters in the music video, with Diana Chua from the College of St. Benilde and her brother Joshua, Kimberly Dias, and Gab Claudio in supporting roles. Working behind the camera were Mu Aldossary, Alexa Leonardo, and Maija Lahtinen.

Romano, Film Club president, was in full control and brought out the best in everyone.

The mission of FMA is to make filmmaking education affordable and accessible.

Anyone can sign up for a 1-year Diploma in Filmmaking or 15-month Diploma in 3D Animation and interact with like-minded artists in a multi-cultural environment under the mentorship of Hollywood filmmaking veterans.

FMA is based in Cebu City, Philippines. Find them at