Convergys Converters, Eleague 2015 Champions!
BOUYED by saltwater and my arms around the outrigger, my head was raised at an angle to catch the rain that slid sweetly to wash away the brine on my face.
Here we were, celebrating, and two of my favorite things occurred simultaneously. The boys, their girls, and a gaggle of us the unpaired were both ocean deep and dancing in the rain at the same time. Sometimes happy comes so insistently you have to suspend your disbelief and know you deserve at least this window of joy.
After all, the Converters were in a celebratory mood. Weeks after winning the Eleague 2015 title this year, bragging rights and all, the Convergys elite basketball team from their J Center hub decide to take it to sea. There is much laughter, I assure you. The boys in clumps of brown and browning in the sun, being boys. And the basketball wives and girlfriends club, something I can relate to, in their huddles, bound by a love for the game and the men in their lives who play it.
It is a motley crew, and despite the torrent that sprayed us through the evening on our way home, we remain in high spirits. Hard work calls for playing hard, too. And this afternoon was a time for indulging in many boths.