Rama: I will be still be active in Sinulog, IEC

Since he’s suspended for 60 days, Michael Rama has to downshift his role even though he remains elected mayor of Cebu City.

He can’t sign documents, represent the city or perform other regular functions as chief executive during this period, but Rama said he would still be active and “do his share” as a citizen in two big events in January , the Sinulog and the week-long International Eucharistic Congress (IEC).

The Sinulog festival is organized by the Sinulog Foundation Inc., a private entity.

“If they need me, I will always be available. Remember, I am chairman of the Sinulog Foundation. I am a parishioner. I’m still the elected mayor. So it won’t stop me if I want to have a meeting but not here (in City Hall), maybe somewhere else.”

SOLIDARITY MOVE. Suspended Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama holds hands in prayer with his aunt Carmen Rama del Prado and Acting Mayor Edgardo Labella with other political allies former mayor Alvin Garcia and Raymund Garcia during a morning mass outside City Hall. (CDN PHOTO/TONEE DESPOJO)

Rama said he would still be “active” otherwise it would appear that he’s  guilty of abuse of authority as charged in the pending administrative investigation into the 2014 demolition of a concrete center island without a court order.

His residence in the Rama compound in barangay Basak San Nicolas is a frequently used gathering place for his political allies.

DILG Regional Director Burdeos said Rama’s duties are now on the plate of Acting Mayor Edgardo Labella.

Labella can sign documents as mayor, hire, fire and appoint employees, and solemnize marriages.

As acting mayor, he should exercise general supervision and control over all programs, projects, services and activities of the city government, according to the Local Government Code.

Labella will also represent the city in its business transactions and sign in behalf of the city, all contracts and obligations upon authority from the city council.

Labella can also sign or veto the coming annual budget of Cebu City for next year.

Burdeos confirmed that Rama is still mayor of Cebu City since he was elected.

He just can’t perform the functions of one or use city government resources.

For IEC preparations, Burdeos said Rama could attend meetings if he’s invited.  This is between him and the organizers of the church event.


Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma said the 60-day suspension dismayed the clergy.

“To be honest, we were really surprised.  We feel so sad that it has to happen this time esepcially that he’s very active with our preparations for the IEC,” Palma told reporters.

But regarding allegations that the suspension was politically motivated, Palma said “We will not make any judgement. But there is always the dimension of politics in every action that relates with politicians.”


The Sinulog ,which includes a grand parade and street dancing competition, relies heavily on City Hall funding for cash prizes of millions of pesos.

“Whoever sits as mayor of Cebu city is considered the honorary chairman because you know the Sinulog cannot work without the assistance of the Cebu city government”, said Sinulog Foundation Inc. executive director Ricky Ballesteros.

He referred to Cebu City government support for finances, peace and order, traffic, beautification of the city, garbage collection, among others.

Front row allies include candidate for councilor Joy Pesquera, who later hugged Rama, her former partner. (CDN PHOTO/TONEE DESPOJO)

Even with Rama suspended, Ballesteros said preparations for Sinulog 2016 are already in place and won’t be affected.

“Everything is already in place and as a matter of fact we’re on the implementation stage,” Ballestros said.

Construction of the Sinulog stage at the Cebu City Sports Center  started last Monday.

He said meetings have been held with different committees including the policemen and the Archdiocese of Cebu.

The City Council already approved the P30 million budget  requested by the foundation for contest prizes and financial assistance for the schools and out-of-town contingents.

“As long as there peace-loving and fun-loving Cebuanos, Sinulog will stay.  Sinulog is not just a cultural activity only, this is also a religious activity.”, Ballesteros said.

Besides, he said, Sinulog as an event is already an institution in Cebu City that can’t be altered no matter who is sitting as mayor.