Starting a business? Check your Feng Shui chart first

LOOK at your Bazi charts and see what fortunes await you in 2016, before starting a new business or making big business decisions, an internationally acclaimed Bazi chart and Feng Shui consultant advises.

Feng Shui, which literally means “wind-water” in English, is the study of how everyone is in harmony with their surrounding environments.

Bazi, or “The Four Pillars of Destiny,” takes into account the year, month, day and hour a person is born in predicting a person’s destiny or fate.

“Your chart will tell you if you’re going to get money or lose money this year,” said Singaporean expert Kevin Foong.
“If you want to start a business this year, check your own chart. Check what you’re good at, and if you don’t know, at least try to find what are the better performing industries in 2016 so you have a head start,” he added.

The Year of the Fire Monkey begins today. Foong said some of the best performing sectors this year would be energy, finance and entertainment. The stock market, while taking a dip at the start of the year, may exhibit a little growth later in the year.

The oil and gas sectors will continue its downtrend.


In general, because the energies are again transitioning between periods, Cebu might experience a slight slowdown in economy.

“In Feng Shui we have a flying star formation. We are going into almost the end of year eight. Period nine starts from 2017 onwards,” Foong said.

While period eight was marked with prosperous energy coming from the northeastern sectors of the world, period nine is marked with energy coming from the south of which Cebu is part.

“In period nine, prosperous energy is coming from the south sector. Cebu is located in the south of the Philippines. Any area that is in the south will be an upcoming economy,” the expert said.

The same prediction has also been made for Jakarta, Indonesia, which is also located below the equator.

Before 2020, Cebu may see a slow transition of prosperity from the northeastern to south energies, which will result in a dip in economy in the next three years.

By 2018 and 2019, the Cebu economy will be at its weakest point. Foong said this may be the ideal time to consider land and real estate developments in the south.

“This doesn’t mean that there is zero opportunities. As long as your BaZi combines very well with the energy that is going to come, you will experience good fortune,” he said.

By 2024, Foong said Cebu will be prosperous.

“2017 is the onset. You will see more development in the city. You will see more developments coming in, building the town, more new programs, having new routes. You’ll see modernization of society,” he added.

Fire and Metal

But entrepreneurs should be careful when making deals, given that the strong elements are those of Fire and Metal, Foong said.

“Fire and metal are explosive elements. You might see more explosive events this year,” he added.

In general, these may mean seeing more fire or gun-related incidents. Consumers should also watch out for food poisoning.

Countries may experience “mini-wars” or rising tensions within or outside their borders.

Businesses should take note of the business climate before pushing any big decisions, as rushing into agreements may result in arguments or fallouts.

“In 2016 because we see a lot of the fire and metal element, we will worry if a lot of disagreements will grow into mini-wars,” the expert said. “This year what I can see is the big boys telling the small boys what they should do.”

Foong is the founder of global organization Kevin Foong Consulting Group, which teaches Chinese metaphysical studies. He has over 20 years of experience in metaphysics.