No override on demolition moratorium; Dizon quits committee chair post


Cebu City Councilor Alvin Dizon talks to some Urban Poor members. He resigned from his post as chairman of the council’s housing committee after the council failed to override another veto on his ordinance that seeks to impose a one-year moratorium on demolitions. (CDN PHOTO/JOSE SANTINO S. BUNACHITA)

Cebu City Councilor Alvin Dizon relinquished his chairmanship of the council’s housing committee after the council failed to override another veto on his ordinance that seeks to impose a one-year moratorium on demolitions.

“I feel I let the urban poor down. I feel I’m no longer effective in carrying out my task as chairperson of the housing committee,” a teary-eyed Dizon said in this morning’s council session.

His colleagues tried to stop Dizon but he said he already made up his mind.

Dizon requested an ally from the Bando Osmeña-Pundok Kauswagan (BO-PK), Councilor Nida Cabrera to replace him but she declined.

The council agreed to instead pick Dizon’s replacement during their session next week.

It was already the second time that Dizon sponsored an ordinance that seeks to grant a one-year moratorium on any demolitions in the city to allow affected families enough time to find relocation.

Both ordinances were vetoed by Mayor Michael Rama and Vice Mayor Edgar Labella who assumed as acting mayor during Rama’s suspension.

Labella said in his veto message that Dizon’s ordinance contradicted existing laws. In this morning’s session, only 11 of the city’s 17 councilors voted to override Labella’s veto.

Four councilors – Gerry Carillo, Dave Tumulak, Richard Osmena and Noel Wenceslao – abstained while one James Cuenco – objected to the veto override.

Councilor Philip Zafra, head of the Association of Barangay Councils, stepped out of the session hall when the voting was made.