Australian tops Tour of Taiwan

Whey Sports ruled the Tour de Taiwan championship and claimed the iconic yellow jersey Thursday after completing the five-stage race in 15 hours, 16 minutes and two seconds in Pingtung City, southern Taiwan.

Hucker won the final 146 km Tainan to Pingtung stage, in 3:52:54 helping Avanti Iso Whey Sports bag the group title with a combined time of 45:50:7.

Hucker’s teammate, 21 year old Ben O’Connor received the white jersey for being the best under-23 best cyclist with a cumulative time of 15:16:39.

United Healthcare Pro’s Marco Canola was crowned best sprinter (green jersey) while Dutch team Parkhotel Valkenburg’s Peter Schulting won as best climber (polka-dot jersey).

Pisghgaman Giant’s Amir Kolahdouz Hagh of Iran earned the best Asian cyclist (blue jersey) title.