Hiroshi bags men’s open title

HIROSHI FC won the men’s open title in the recently concluded 2nd Tayud Futsal Cup at the Tayud Sports Complex in Barangay Tayud, Consolacion.

Hiroshi FC defeated Real Galaxy A, 5-2, in the finals to bag the title.

Hiroshi Iwanaga was named MVP after making 10 goals in the entire tournament.

In the ladies’ open, host team Tayud United FC failed to bring home the bacon as it bowed down to the visiting Don Bosco Ladies, 2-4, in the championship match.

Cheska Toledo won MVP honors for scoring five goals for Don Bosco.

In the under-12 mixed division, Suba Basbas FC defeated Consolacion FC, 4-1,  to win the title.

Jerico Paglinawan was named MVP.