Taste the best of Spain at Marco Polo

Sabores de España

Experience a history of flavors as Marco Polo brings you the richness of Spanish gastronomy at Cebu City’s Finest.

From April 1-10, explore the distinctive cuisine that has influenced the Filipino cooking through Sabores de España: Viva Madrid. Headed by Cebu’s authority on Spanish cuisine. Gema Pido, their team of culinary experts will whip up a delectable spread of Spanish dishes. Specialties include jamon serrano, seafood paella, fabadas and leche frita.

Topping up this Culinary Journey is the CALLE DE TAPAS at Café Marco. It serves an array of Spain’s most famous tapas. This is in support of the nationwide festival – Flavors of the Philippines.

Available for lunch and dinner on top of their award winning international buffet.
For inquiries and reservations, call 253-1111 loc 8245 or email mpplaza@marcopolohotels.com. Visit the website at www.marcopoloplazacebu.com. For real time updates, like the Facebook page at facebook.com/marcopolocebu or follow on Twitter at @5StarInCebu